Pavel Durov, founding father of Telegram said As of Monday, the corporate is now worthwhile. Durov mentioned the chat app’s complete income will exceed $1 billion in 2024.
The corporate, which launched its premium subscription service in 2022now has 12 million paying customers. Durov additionally mentioned the app ended the yr with over $500 million in money reserves, not together with its crypto property.
Telegram’s CEO mentioned the corporate repaid a big quantity of its bonds this fall.
“Over the previous 4 years, Telegram has issued roughly $2 billion in debt. We repaid a good portion this fall, benefiting from favorable Telegram bond costs. However there may be lots of work to be accomplished,” Durov mentioned in a post on.
Earlier this yr, in an interview with the Financial TimesDurov mentioned the corporate achieve profitability in 2025and aimed to make it public sooner or later.
Telegram, which comprises greater than 950 million monthly active usersprinted features for businessesadded advert income sharing service, permitting creators to earn money thanks to paid content on channelsand launched a mini application store.
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Apps,chat app,Pavel Durov,profitability,Telegram ,
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